New Year

Welcome to the New Year! Thank you for joining me here at my blog!

This year I’m trying a few new things like speech-to-text documents. I will forewarn you that things are probably going to get a little strange cuz I’m going to start doing this all the time considering how I write my stories. They pretty much in a script form.  Now that I know that I can do this, that means all those scenes that I’m not entirely sure how to put into words I could just talk about endlessly. It’s going to be fun, at least for me, my family probably not so much cuz I usually don’t talk about my books which means I’m going to be a chatterbox. Now mind you, here on WordPress they do not have a talk to text app at least not that I know of. I am doing this purely on Google Docs and then I’m shifting it over to my blog here on WordPress.

I would like to talk to you a little bit today about my current projects. I’m sure some of you’ve been around for a while and have been with me since my blog was back on the original bloggers site, then you’ve probably heard of Asmathia. I currently have a new story that is set in that universe and it is going to be taking place in one of the citys that you will see in the main story. This is just going to be a little short story for now. Just something to kind of help get me back into the groove of things.

I am hoping to see this year at least one or two of my stories getting published. Unfortunately I am going to be shifting from Amazon to draft2digital. I will then be able to launch everything on different platforms all at once instead of having to go to each separate platform and go from there. I will probably be relaunching all my current published books. Which means I will be taking them down. So if you already have the Millersburg series and Galaxing Around then you will probably not see them anymore after the next few days.

I’m sorry that it’s been over a month since I blogged last. Things have been changing. As I stated in my last blog I do not have a full time job anymore. I got up this morning and I felt more like myself than I have in a very long time. I made breakfast. I haven’t made breakfast for my family in forever. I made pancakes and eggs this morning I would have made bacon but I didn’t have any pulled out and dethawed.

Now my next project is going to be very interesting I know some of you have been with me on Instagram and have seen me talk about my horror story. I was going to publish this under the pen name of T.H. Johnson. I may just use my Alice Frost pen name.

In the coming months I am going to be on the hunt for a new cover artist. The young lady that did my cover art for my books is no longer in the game. she is no longer part of Fiverr, which is a little bit sad because I really really liked her artwork. So if you have a cover artist that would be willing to do book covers for me please let me know. I usually look on Fiverr I am now going to be looking in other places

I’m also going to be revamping Galaxing Around. I do not like how I ended that book. I have stated before that I am going to be doing updates to all of my books. Now that I have this talk to text feature, I am probably going to be going crazy with it.

I do want to thank you all for coming today. I am going to leave it off here. Hopefully, I will get to my blog a little bit faster now. So thank you all for coming!

Hello Again!

I have no idea what to title this. In fact, I’m not even sure of what to write. It’s been over a year since I posted on here and I’ve flooded my Instagram with my cats. I just don’t know what to write and that is my problem.

How can I call myself a writer? I’m having trouble writing this post for crying out loud. I have no excuses. Nothing. I’ve tried writing little snippets and just nothing. I can’t even sit down and read a book without getting bored with it. I’m just sorta lost and floating along. I’m no longer coloring outside the lines. I’ve become bland.

Why am I suddenly so bland? I have no idea. Even vanilla ice cream is more exciting than me. I’m struggling and I don’t know why. Why am I struggling? Why?

I started writing this in 2020. Back when the world was falling apart. I left my job at big box retail in September 2021. Since then I have slowly began to feel like myself again. Things have been changing. I’m currently working on a new story. Sadly, for those that are waiting for the next installment of the Millersburg Shifters or Trinity Mates you are going to have to wait a bit longer.

I am working on an experimental piece (for me) to dip my toe back into writing. I’m taking it slow and steady that way I don’t overwhelm myself. I am deeply sorry for just disappearing. Life has been very hectic.

In 2019, I left my job at Walmart due to increasing medical issues and them being unwilling to work with me. I started working for their competitor, Kroger. We were driving an hour one way just to get to work. Plus, since it was a new job I didn’t have a steady schedule. It was insane. I was slowly finding time to get writing back into my day when the 2019 holidays hit and then shortly after that the 2020 lockdowns began.

During this time, my fiancé (husband now) and I bought a house. We moved two days before the lockdown began. I had transferred to a new store. It was five minutes from home. I thought it was going to be a great change. But as we all know 2020 didn’t get any better and 2021 didn’t start out on the best foot.

I was trying to plan our wedding during 2021 and we kept losing associates at my store. I was spending more and more time at work. If you have ever planned a wedding, you know it takes time. I was slowly losing what time I had. I wasn’t eating. I was barely sleeping.

We got married in July and went on our honeymoon. It was so bad that I told my work that if they needed help to call me and I would try to walk them through whatever they needed help with. Surprisingly, no one called. But when I got back to work we had even less associates then when I left. So then the cycle began again.

I was jumping between two/three departments. I wasn’t eating and was barely sleeping. It got to the point that my medication wasn’t helping and when I went to the doctor they found out that I had a severe vitamin D deficiency. It was bad enough that I had to take prescription vitamin D.

I kept working, trying to make it, until one day I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was exhausted. I constantly felt sick and dizzy. It got to the point that I either quit or keep working and pass out on the floor. I wasn’t chancing my health anymore. I had done that at Walmart and had nearly lost that game. I wasn’t going to do it again.

I have been sleeping A LOT. I’ve been eating peanut butter. My depression has been like a rollercoaster but I’m starting to feel like myself again. Last night I took a shower and inspiration struck. I picked up a pen and started jotting down my ideas and little scenarios. It felt so good to write again. Hence why I’m blogging. I’m going to start making my dreams a priority instead of putting them on the back burner. Or at least I’m going to try.

I want to finish fleshing out all the stories I have for Millersburg Shifters and Trinity Mates. I have so many FILES of other stories that I want to write. But since this is just the beginning I’m starting slow and doing my experimental work. Once I’m farther along into my new work then I will start telling all of you about it. Just know that it’s not like my other works and that it will most likely not be under my Alice Frost pen name.

Now for another quick question. How do all of you feel about Kindle Vella? I’m curious but I really don’t want to use it if it’s Amazon’s version of Wattpad. I’m not saying Wattpad is bad. I tried it and found that it just wasn’t for me. I asked this question over on Twitter. If you could tell me your opinion on it that would be wonderful.

Thank you!

Lots of love,

Alice Frost

New Things

At first I wasn’t sure what I was going to write on here today. It’s been so long since I’ve talked to anyone about my writing. But I need to start working on what I am going to be blogging.

I have decided that I am going to be doing major edits on Galaxing Around. After rereading it I realized I wasn’t happy with the ending. I might even completely rewrite it. I will be doing the same massive edits to the Millersburg Shifters series as well. I will begin working on Galaxing Around 2 as soon as I am done with the revisions for Galaxing Around. Sadly, I will be having to find a new cover artist. The young lady I used has since stopped working on book covers in the time I was ill.

As for what I am currently working on, I have started free writing a story I have titled The Eldritch. This isn’t like my other works. This is dark. Horrific. It’s released a side of myself that I didn’t realize I had locked away so tightly. It’s one of three different stories that I have begun working on. Each one steps into the world of cryptids. It has given me a better view point for the monsters in my other works.

My home life has changed a lot. As I stated in my last post I quit my job and my stress levels have decreased dramatically. I have also added two new members to my life, three if you count my boyfriend. I adopted two beautiful kittys. My old lady is named Pepper. She is just a couple months older than my 9yr old son. She’s gentle and loving. She loves getting attention and eating. She is my treasure. And then there is Smidge.

I got Smidge at 6 weeks old. She was so frail and tiny I didn’t think she would survive. But after two flea baths and multiple feedings, she got stronger and healthier. She has grown into a feisty little girl who will vocally tell you she doesn’t like something. She doesn’t like kisses, being held, or picked up. She still gets picked up and kissed though. She loves being petted, on her terms. She is just a giant ball of energy that makes me laugh as she literally tries to climb the walls. She has a passion for getting into trouble and getting into my yarn.

I love both my cats very much and they have helped me while I have struggled through the changes in my life. They know when I am in a depressive slump and come lay on me, letting me know that they are there and that they love me. Smidge doesn’t like letting me go to the bathroom alone since my last episode of sickness. Sadly she has been banned from the bathroom after knocking all my plants down. But she will sit at the door and cry until you let her in. She started doing this with my boyfriend recently as well.

The boyfriend. Someone I never thought I would meet. I might write about love but I never thought I would ever get my happily ever after. I found it with him. Happily ever after isn’t all roses and kisses. It’s hard work, communication, laughing, cuddles, and kisses. He’s someone that I can’t imagine my life without and honestly, if I lost him I don’t think I would ever be able to love anyone else. He’s not perfect. He has his imperfections. But. He is perfect for me. He loves my son like his own. He is everything I didn’t know I needed.

Journey to the Future

I have been free writing lately because I got out of the habit of writing while I’ve been sick. I do plan on revisiting the two different book series I have already published and continuing them. It may take a bit but I refuse to give up on my writing.

A lot of things have changed in the last year or so. I left my job of 6/7 years. I couldn’t walk into my place of work without having an anxiety attack. I have always had depression and anxiety but since my surgery in 2017 it has gotten exponentially worse. But since I left my job I haven’t had nearly as many anxiety attacks. I’ve only had to take my meds twice in the week since I quit.

In this week I realized how much I had given up for a job that didn’t appreciate me or cared about me. I was disposable. I let my job rule my life for the last couple of years and it has greatly effected me. Now I can’t wait to dive back into the things I love and have so dearly missed. I can’t wait to feel the dirt in my hands as I garden, or write my fantasies on paper and share with all of you.

I hope all of you are patient with me on my journey back to being me. I know I have changed just in this last week and I honestly can’t wait to see what the future holds for me.

Hello Again

I’m sorry for the long hiatus. In October of 2017 I fell ill and shortly after Christmas of that year I had to have surgery. For the next 5 months I struggled with my health. I’m still struggling with my health and I am sad to say that my writing has suffered greatly. But I’m hoping to get back into my writing and continue where I left off.

Once again I apologize for the long hiatus.


I now have a Patreon page. You can find it here.  I will have Patreon exclusive stories and content. The first chapter of my first Patreon story is currently available for everyone to read but the rest will be patron-only. I will be adding all extra content that I have to the patron-only tiers. Thank you for your support.

December Update

I would like to sincerely apologize to all of you. I had every intention of being more active on here but life got in the way. I won’t be able to be very active on here or with my writing. I am going to get my current project out and then it may take a while before my next book comes out.

I got sick the week before Thanksgiving and it never went away. I have been in constant pain and just recently the nausea went away. I found out this last week after many test, x-rays, and ultrasounds, that I have to talk to a specialist about my gallbladder and I also have to go in for a CT scan for a spot they found on my kidney.

During this entire time I have been heavily medicated and off of work. But you could have used this time to write! Not really. Several of my medication caused drowsiness, so in turn I ended up sleeping all day long. I have every intention of keeping all of you updated on what happens.

Now for the real update! During the next month or so I will be updating Triple Threat and Taming an Alpha for the upcoming release of the Millersburg Shifters Volume 1. It contains the first three volumes of the Millersburg series. It will be releasing on January 31st for $2.99 It can be found here.

I already have an outline for Millersburg Shifters #4. But I know several of you are awaiting the next Trinity Mates book. Depending on what happens with my health I will try to have Millersburg Shifters #4 out by mid 2018 and Trinity Mates #2 out by the end of 2018.

Thank you all for your support and understanding. I hope all of you have a happy holiday

November Update

Sorry about the long absence. My life has been crazy. I am still working on my current project. I haven’t been able to work on it as much as I’d like. I changed jobs at my place of employment and it has been hectic. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to finish my current project until next year. I am hoping that I can get you a few unedited previews and maybe even a possible release date. Once again I am sorry for the long absence.

As to what I am working on. That is going to be a tough question to answer. I have several projects I am currently working on but my main project is the next book in the Millersburg series. I know several of you have been waiting on the next installment of the Trinity Mates series. I am currently working on the outline of the next book but I won’t be starting on the writing process for a bit.

I am hoping that all of you hardcore followers continue to follow me as I continue on my journey through the writing world. I know I have been bad about updating anywhere and I thank you for sticking by me.

Prompt #1 part 4

Well, this is the long awaited update to my writing challenge. I’m sorry for the delays in everything, life has been really busy for me. I might even come up with a title for this… one day. Anyway, here is the next installment. It’s only taken me f*cking forever.

Part 4

She forgot about the envelope as the day progressed. It wasn’t until her shift was over that she even remembered that she had stuffed it in her apron. She pulled it out of her pocket and looked at it. Her name was written on the front in beautiful cursive lettering. She tucked it into her jacket pocket as she left the diner.

A shiver went down her spine as she walked to her car. She felt like someone was watching her but she didn’t see anyone. She unlocked her car door and climbed in. She couldn’t shake the eerie feeling of being watched. She buckled her seat belt and drove home.

It was only a few minutes but those few minutes felt like an eternity. She ran from her to car into her apartment building. She looked outside and saw someone standing just inches from the glass door that separated them. She froze as fear spread through her. She couldn’t see his face but his presence terrified her.
She slowly backed away from the door. She turned on her heel and fled up the stairs, not stopping until she was safely inside her apartment.
Billy watched her curiously from the couch. “Everything ok?”
She slid down the door and started to cry. “No. I’ve had this feeling of being watched since I left work. When I got inside some guy was standing outside watching me. When I saw him I froze. It was like I was looking at death. I’ve never been so scared.”
Billy picked her up off the floor and took her to the couch. He sat down and tucked her against his chest. “Everything will be alright.” He pulled off one of her shoes and threw it at the closet door. “Gladius get your ass out here.”
The apartment door flew open and Gladius walked in. “I wasn’t in the closet. I actually know how to use a regular door.” He looked at them in disgust. “What’s wrong with your little pet?”
“Someone followed her home from work and scared her,” he said, tucking hair behind her ear. He leaned back and settled her beside him. “Do you think you can go take a look?”

Gladius shook his head. “I just came in from outside. I didn’t sense anyone other than humans and the paras that live in this building.”

Billy looked at him curiously. Usually Gladius didn’t bother with coming in the front door. “You’ve never used the front door before/ Why now?”

Gladius’ perfect cupid’s bow mouth turned down. “I was trying to take into consideration your new little pet. I didn’t want to walk in and unexpectedly find her naked. It is one thing to find you naked, quite another to find her naked.”

“Why would you think you’d find her naked?”

A slender brow arched up. “As if you haven’t seen her in all her naked glory. You lived under her bed for how long?”

Billy’s face grew warm and he slightly choked as he tried to come up with an answer.

Carly pulled away from Billy her face bright red as she remembered all the things that she had done before knowing she had a roommate. Thoughts of her ‘celebratory’ night came to mind. Her blush deepened even more but a simmering heat started between her legs.

She watched as he argued with Gladius, noticing small little details that she hadn’t noticed before. like how his shirt stretched taut across his shoulders and chest, and how his jeans cupped his ass just so nicely.

She glanced away before she got caught checking him out. She really needed some alone time with her wonderful little rabbit that she had dubbed Fernando. Or she needed to get a boyfriend. She’ll go with option one. But where?

She snorted. Obviously not the bed. That was completely and utterly out. She was a lady, at least she tried to be anyway. The shower? Fernando wasn’t waterproof but they did have a detachable shower head. She looked up as she noticed the complete silence in the room. “What?”

Gladius smirked and tittered before turning away. Billy just looked at her, nostrils flaring. “I said, do you want take out?”

Gladius started choking and coughing. Billy growled and whacked him on the back bringing Gladius’ fit to an end.

“Uh, sure. How about Chinese? There’s a place around the corner that has some really good sushi,” she answered. There was definitely something going on as Gladius broke out in another coughing fit. Billy smiled but it was forced and he whacked Gladius on the back again.

She stood up and grabbed her favorite set of pajamas. “I think I’m going to take a shower. Just call the place and ask for my usual plus whatever you want.”

Billy watched her as she crossed the room, almost groaning as she grabbed the set of pink pants and tank top. She had no clue to the turmoil she was causing him. He knew she only wore that set after she had ‘fun’. She was going to be the death of him. Right after he killed his best friend as Gladius started having another coughing fit.

Quick Update

Sorry I haven’t updated with the next prompt challenge (on either blog) but I became engrossed in my work. I have been working on the third installment of the Millersburg Shifters series, Spy’s Temptation. I do not know how long this book will be seeing as there is a lot I want to see go into this one. So I have a very shaky release date. It’s more like ‘I hope I’m done by this date’.

I have been asked if I will release all three books in a bundle pack and I will be. But before I do I am going to be going through the first two and fine tuning them just a bit before putting them in the bundle. Nothing major (I think).

I do have a couple of stories I would like to see make it onto your electronic devices but that all depends on my schedule and work *cough* procrastination *cough* level. Though I do have a bonus coming this week. My son is starting school which means I have my days off to do whatever I need to to get done with my work load.

Also, I am wishing my momma a Happy Birthday today. She turned another year older and had a great day of just relaxing. I can’t wait for next month when I get a weekend of just relaxing on my birthday, no child, no work (main job), and just me and my computer. Ah, fun times to come.

Write drunk; edit sober.

– Ernest Hemingway

I hope you all have an awesome week. Since this is my Friday I’ll be sleeping in for the next two days for the last time until school break. *cries* But as a single mom I am rejoicing at the fact that it is back to school time.