Hello Again!

I have no idea what to title this. In fact, I’m not even sure of what to write. It’s been over a year since I posted on here and I’ve flooded my Instagram with my cats. I just don’t know what to write and that is my problem.

How can I call myself a writer? I’m having trouble writing this post for crying out loud. I have no excuses. Nothing. I’ve tried writing little snippets and just nothing. I can’t even sit down and read a book without getting bored with it. I’m just sorta lost and floating along. I’m no longer coloring outside the lines. I’ve become bland.

Why am I suddenly so bland? I have no idea. Even vanilla ice cream is more exciting than me. I’m struggling and I don’t know why. Why am I struggling? Why?

I started writing this in 2020. Back when the world was falling apart. I left my job at big box retail in September 2021. Since then I have slowly began to feel like myself again. Things have been changing. I’m currently working on a new story. Sadly, for those that are waiting for the next installment of the Millersburg Shifters or Trinity Mates you are going to have to wait a bit longer.

I am working on an experimental piece (for me) to dip my toe back into writing. I’m taking it slow and steady that way I don’t overwhelm myself. I am deeply sorry for just disappearing. Life has been very hectic.

In 2019, I left my job at Walmart due to increasing medical issues and them being unwilling to work with me. I started working for their competitor, Kroger. We were driving an hour one way just to get to work. Plus, since it was a new job I didn’t have a steady schedule. It was insane. I was slowly finding time to get writing back into my day when the 2019 holidays hit and then shortly after that the 2020 lockdowns began.

During this time, my fiancĂ© (husband now) and I bought a house. We moved two days before the lockdown began. I had transferred to a new store. It was five minutes from home. I thought it was going to be a great change. But as we all know 2020 didn’t get any better and 2021 didn’t start out on the best foot.

I was trying to plan our wedding during 2021 and we kept losing associates at my store. I was spending more and more time at work. If you have ever planned a wedding, you know it takes time. I was slowly losing what time I had. I wasn’t eating. I was barely sleeping.

We got married in July and went on our honeymoon. It was so bad that I told my work that if they needed help to call me and I would try to walk them through whatever they needed help with. Surprisingly, no one called. But when I got back to work we had even less associates then when I left. So then the cycle began again.

I was jumping between two/three departments. I wasn’t eating and was barely sleeping. It got to the point that my medication wasn’t helping and when I went to the doctor they found out that I had a severe vitamin D deficiency. It was bad enough that I had to take prescription vitamin D.

I kept working, trying to make it, until one day I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was exhausted. I constantly felt sick and dizzy. It got to the point that I either quit or keep working and pass out on the floor. I wasn’t chancing my health anymore. I had done that at Walmart and had nearly lost that game. I wasn’t going to do it again.

I have been sleeping A LOT. I’ve been eating peanut butter. My depression has been like a rollercoaster but I’m starting to feel like myself again. Last night I took a shower and inspiration struck. I picked up a pen and started jotting down my ideas and little scenarios. It felt so good to write again. Hence why I’m blogging. I’m going to start making my dreams a priority instead of putting them on the back burner. Or at least I’m going to try.

I want to finish fleshing out all the stories I have for Millersburg Shifters and Trinity Mates. I have so many FILES of other stories that I want to write. But since this is just the beginning I’m starting slow and doing my experimental work. Once I’m farther along into my new work then I will start telling all of you about it. Just know that it’s not like my other works and that it will most likely not be under my Alice Frost pen name.

Now for another quick question. How do all of you feel about Kindle Vella? I’m curious but I really don’t want to use it if it’s Amazon’s version of Wattpad. I’m not saying Wattpad is bad. I tried it and found that it just wasn’t for me. I asked this question over on Twitter. If you could tell me your opinion on it that would be wonderful.

Thank you!

Lots of love,

Alice Frost

Quick Update

Sorry I haven’t updated with the next prompt challenge (on either blog) but I became engrossed in my work. I have been working on the third installment of the Millersburg Shifters series, Spy’s Temptation. I do not know how long this book will be seeing as there is a lot I want to see go into this one. So I have a very shaky release date. It’s more like ‘I hope I’m done by this date’.

I have been asked if I will release all three books in a bundle pack and I will be. But before I do I am going to be going through the first two and fine tuning them just a bit before putting them in the bundle. Nothing major (I think).

I do have a couple of stories I would like to see make it onto your electronic devices but that all depends on my schedule and work *cough* procrastination *cough* level. Though I do have a bonus coming this week. My son is starting school which means I have my days off to do whatever I need to to get done with my work load.

Also, I am wishing my momma a Happy Birthday today. She turned another year older and had a great day of just relaxing. I can’t wait for next month when I get a weekend of just relaxing on my birthday, no child, no work (main job), and just me and my computer. Ah, fun times to come.

Write drunk; edit sober.

– Ernest Hemingway

I hope you all have an awesome week. Since this is my Friday I’ll be sleeping in for the next two days for the last time until school break. *cries* But as a single mom I am rejoicing at the fact that it is back to school time.

Prompt #1-3

I am sorry for the delay on posting the next writing challenge. Pokemon Go abducted me. Yeah, I know, I’m a nerd so what? I also crochet, cross stitch, and collect Funko Pops. I also watch anime. And weirdly I still write romance stories….. So yeah I have certain quirks.

Anyway, moving on.

Obviously the name of my character doesn’t match that of the prompt but hey it’s my challenge. If you haven’t read the first two challenges then I would suggest that you do. Prompt #1 and Part 2

He looks down at the table and then back at you, "I have been meaning to tell you this for a while now, but I didn't wan't to scare you... I am your great great great grandson and I was told to give this to you when the time came,":

Carly yawned as she walked to the diner. Her and Billy had been up late talking about how he had never realized his best friend was gay and that it had only taken her a few moments to realize it.

They had eventually decided on their sleeping arrangements as well, Billy on the lounge and her in the bed. She had been more than willing to take the lounge seeing as how the bed was a lot bigger than the one she had had and he needed more space to be comfortable. But he had declined saying that if she didn’t agree he would shift and sleep under the bed.

Reluctantly she had agreed and had climbed into the massive bed that took up one entire wall. The entire apartment seemed to be bigger than before as well. Maybe it was some kind of spell, like in that Harry Potter movie she had watched a few years ago.

She waved to David through the pass-through where he was starting the lunch orders. She stashed her purse in her locker and clocked in. She grabbed one of the white frilly aprons that the waitresses were required to wear along with their usual uniform of pepto pink dress and white shoes. She grabbed a fresh order book and relieved Tory of her section.

She couldn’t help but smile as Mr. Johnson walked through the door. “Mornin’ Mr. Johnson. Are you sitting in your usual spot?”

The old man smiled, causing his already wrinkled face to become even more so. “I’ll even take my usual pot of coffee and heart attack waiting to happen burger.”

She laughed. “One pot of extra strength coffee and the Baconattor coming right up.”

He went to his usual booth. It was tucked back in the far corner. He always sat with his back against the wall and watched the people that came and went from the diner. Today seemed to be no different than usual, until she went to take him his food. He was sitting with his back to the door.

She placed his plate in front of him and poured him a cup of coffee. “Everything alright, Mr. Johnson?”

He looked up at her. “Why don’t you have a seat with me dear?”

She looked around the diner, checking to see if anyone else needed anything. “Let me see if I can get someone to cover my section while I sit with you.” She waved over Gail and asked her to cover her section while she talked to Mr. Johnson. She sat down across from him and looked at him expectantly.

He sipped his coffee. “We have a mutual friend that would like to see you go to a certain social event.”

She looked at him in confusion. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He smiled at her. “Your roommate was invited to the Nightmare King’s bicentennial ball. Someone wants you to go with him.”

“But why? I’m just a human,” she said.

He leaned forward. “You are much more than you seem.” He pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to her. “Open this when you get home. It will explain some things that your mother kept from you.” He took another sip of coffee and pulled a few dollars from his pocket. “I’ll be seeing you next week, my dear. Thank you for talking with me.” With that he got up and left.

Carly sat there wondering what he was talking about. Things just seemed to get weirder and weirder lately. She picked up the envelope and tucked it into her apron before clearing off the table.

NOTE: So my surprise for this post has actually been pushed off until either the next one or the one after that. Once again I am sorry for the delay in getting this up for all of you. The next post may not be prompt oriented but hey something may catch my eye.

Prompt #1 Part 2

My brother has expressly asked (told) that I finish my prompt story or he will stop feeding me. Me being the fat girl I am can’t let this happen. (Yes I am a BBW and I use the word fat towards myself. Get over it.) So as per His Royal Highness Dork-fer-brains has asked, I will continue with the story.

Also, everything is unedited. So if something doesn’t make sense or sounds weird it’s because I’m not extensively editing it like I normally would.

"But Jack! Look at him!" Izzy held up the mouse, and Jack flinched away a bit.:

Billy snorted at her. “Do I look like a Mogwai? Yes I can eat after midnight and I can get in water and stay there as long as I want. My kind reproduce in the usual way.”

“Oh?” Carly asked.

“Yes, when we are ready for a youngling we cut off our hands and watch them regenerate,” he said with a straight face.

She just looked at him in horror. “Really?!”

He burst out laughing. “No, not really. We reproduce just like humans.”

“So what exactly are you? I know that you look like a gremlin but that doesn’t me that is what you are,” she said.

He looked at her solemnly. She was definitely different from any human he had ever met. But there had to be something special about her if the landlady rented out to her. “My dad was a selkie and my mom was a dragon. It screwed up my genetics, hence the green skin and gremlin like appearance when I shift.”

She blushed and bit her lip. “I think you’re cute in either form.” She kept her eyes downcast, afraid that she might have freaked him out.

“For a human you are quite strange,” he replied, stunned at her confession.

The closet door banged open, startling them both. A tall figure draped in bright purple fabric stepped out of the inky depths. The figure stood still for a moment before pushing the fabric from it’s face. If it wasn’t for his golden goatee, Carly would have thought he was a woman of the supermodel variety.

“Haven’t I told you never to keep a human for a pet. They are so needy. Constantly needing food and attention. We’ve talked about this,” the man said, his voice soft and lyrical.

Billy shook his head. “She isn’t my pet, Gladius, she’s my new roommate. What’s with the dramatic entrance?”

Gladius sat down on Carly’s little bed and leaned back. He was the epitome of gracefulness. “I just came back from a visit to the old hag’s place.”

“Your mother isn’t a hag, she’s the Goddess of Beauty,” Billy retorted.

Gladius just snorted. “She’s a hag. She refuses to acknowledge  that she even gave birth to me.” He sighed. “Sometimes it sucks being the bastard child of a goddess and the King of Nightmares.”

“At least you know your father,” Carly said quietly. “Mine took off the moment he found out Momma was pregnant with me.”

Gladius leaned forward, examining her. “You are an interesting human. I didn’t think your kind were allowed to even step foot in this place.” He looked sharply at Billy, who just shrugged in indifference.

“I still haven’t figured out why the landlady rented out to her but she doesn’t have an issue with either of my forms,” he said.

Gladius looked around the apartment. “What happened to all your beautiful things?”

Billy looked at him drolly. “The landlady rented out my apartment to a human and put all my stuff in storage. Need I say more?”

Gladius stared at him in horror. “How could she?!” He stood up and clapped his hands. “We’ll fix that right this instant.” He looked over at Carly disdainfully. “You don’t have a problem with me getting rid of your things do you?”

She shook her head. “I don’t mind. I just don’t want to be a problem for anyone.” She grabbed a few things from around the apartment. “This is all I need.”

Billy looked at the pile curiously. “What’s all that?”

She smiled, remembering the history of the items at her feet. “They’re things that Momma gave me.”

Gladius snorted. “You’re one of those people that absolutely adore their parents, aren’t you?”

She shrugged. “Why shouldn’t I adore the woman that gave birth to me and raised me all by herself? She endured many hardships to make sure that I had everything I needed in life. Why would it be wrong to adore and look up to her?”

Gladius sneered in distaste. “Please don’t preach to me about how wonderful your mother is. Mine may be the most beautiful being in existence, but her beauty is only skin deep.”

Carly looked at Billy who held up his hands in defeat. “My mother was more into collecting all the shiny trinkets she could get her claws on. I mostly fended for myself.”

“Enough of this,” Gladius said. He snapped his fingers and the room around them twisted, when it righted itself all of her old things had been replaced with beautiful furnishings. “You’re welcome.”

Billy sat down on the lounge that had appeared in front of the window. “Thanks. Just one little problem. I still have a roommate and only one bed.”

Gladius chuckled. “I’m sure you two will figure something out.Vale, my loves.” He stopped just in front of the closet door. “I almost forgot. The King of Nightmares has invited you to his bicentennial ball. He expects you to bring a date this time.”

Billy groaned. “Let me guess, if I don’t he and my mother will find me someone to spend the evening with.”

“You got it,” he replied before leaving through the closet.

Carly looked at Billy. “Bicentennial ball?”

He sighed in aggravation. “Don’t worry about it. So what did you think about meeting a new supernatural being?”

She pressed her lips together. If she said what was going through her mind then she would definitely be seeing Momma rise from the grave. But how could she resist? “Does he get the irony of being gay and constantly go in and out of a closet?”

Billy started laughing. He hadn’t even noticed the irony of it until she pointed it out.

NOTE: In regards to this last few sentences, I am not bashing on the LGBT community. I am bi. I make jokes about things that are relevant to me. Plus, I have a surprise brewing for the next post that has to do with this. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this. I am sure there will be many more to come. Have a happy 4th of July weekend!

NOTE 2: Vale = Goodbye in Latin

Prompt #1

I’ve had this up on my Blogger for the last 10 days and I’ve decided to share it on here for everyone. I’m doing a writing challenge over on Blogger and I’ll share those challenges on here as well.

Prompt #1
Writing prompt:
Carly groaned in frustration. How was she supposed to pay the rent, buy food, and replace the spark plugs on her car? She pulled the crumpled bills from her apron and thumbed through them. $20 in tips from a ten hour shift. She threw the rent bill towards her bed, only to watch it flutter underneath. Looks like she was going to be cleaning out from underneath there…
She stared in a mixed sense of horror and fascination as a scaly green human-like hand with long black claws shoved the rent bill and a stack of cash out from underneath her bed. She hesitantly approached the cash. She bent and picked up the rent bill and cash, whispering ‘Thank you’ as she stood up.
Momma had always taught her to have good manners. She didn’t think Momma had meant with whatever was living underneath her bed but it was better to be safe than sorry. She was sleeping right above his… her… it’s living quarters.
She headed for the door, excited to actually be paying the rent on time and not hearing her landlady scream about being evicted through the door. She stopped as she placed her hand on the door handle and turned back to the bed. “You live here too. You don’t have to stay hidden under the bed anymore.” She smiled before turning the handle and opening the door. Strangely, it felt like she was stepping into a better future as she stepped through the doorway.
When she returned there was no sign of anyone there. She was disappointed but knew she would eventually meet her strange but new roommate. She tucked the receipt for the rent in her lock box. She refused to just toss them anywhere willy-nilly, that’s how she lost her last apartment. Now she kept every single receipt and scrap piece of paper she received from the landlady that way she couldn’t be swindled again.
She tucked the lock box back underneath the cabinet and sat down at her kitchen table. There was enough extra money to buy groceries, replace the spark plugs on her car, maybe even buy a new kitchen table or a futon for her roommate.
She glanced at the bed. “You going to introduce yourself or am I going to have to assume that I have gone insane and am sitting in a padded cell having delusions?”
She heard a deep, raspy chuckle come from beneath the bed.
“I will come out when the sun has set.”
She looked over to the window. It was dark out but the light from all the signs and buildings made it seem earlier than it was. She grabbed a heavy blanket from the closet and hung it up the best she could, muttering about her next purchase being blackout curtains. She turned back towards the bed, hands on her hips. “This is as dark as it’s going to get. It’s after midnight and being in the city means it’s going to bright out even at night.”
She heard a aggravated sigh before two hands came out from beneath her bead. The hands were quickly followed by lean, muscular arms, a head of long black hair, broad shoulders, a wide chest, lean hips and long muscular legs, then a set of thin masculine feet. He had to stand of 6 feet tall.
She looked from him to the bed and then back to him. “How the hell did you fit under there?”
He shrugged. “I can change shape.” He lifted his arm. “My color not so much.”
She finally stopped puzzling about how he had fit under her bed to really look at him. And look at him she did. He was the kind of guy that every woman dreamed of having in her bed. Or at least close enough to drool over. If they didn’t mind someone that looked like he had been dipped in green ink and hadn’t ever known what fingernail clippers were.
She couldn’t help looking at him. He was a piece of perfection. Green perfection but still. Her eyes kept drifting lower until they stopped at his hips and she realized he was completely naked.
She whirled around, her face growing hot. “I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have been looking at you like that!”
“Like what?” he asked, puzzled.
“Like you’re some sex figure. Momma always taught me that people are people not sex figures, be it man or woman,” she said. And if Momma had seen how she had been staring at that poor man she would have smacked her upside the head before reprimanding her.
She had only ever seen a male physique as wonderful as his in magazines she had found it hard not to stare at him. Oh how Momma would paddle her behind for staring at him as if he was a sex figure.
She heard him start chuckling before all out laughing. He coughed and cleared his throat. “I guess it’s a good thing that I’m not a sex figure then.”
“You sure look like one,” she said, keeping her eyes on the curtain in front of her.
“So I’m guessing that I’m going to have to change back into my other form or find a set of clothes?”
She quickly nodded her head. As long as she could keep her hands off of him then things would work out. If she touched him then it would be sexual harassment and Momma would come up out of her grave and tan the ever-living hide off of her.
She heard him groan and sigh in relief. “You can turn around now.”
She turned back towards him and looked down at him. “You’re a gremlin?”
He snarled in irritation. “If you are comparing me to the gawd awful movie then please do me a favor and don’t.”
She knelt down and looked him over. “But you look just like them.”
“Because the director knew me and thought it would be funny to have the monsters of his film look like me,” he growled. “That’s what I get for going and getting drunk.”
“Ok, so no gremlin jokes. By the way, my name’s Carly,” she said holding out her hand.
He looked from her hand to her face. He placed his small scaly hand in hers and slowly shook it. “My name’s Billy.”
“Why are you living under my bed?” she asked.
“Because that idiot landlady rented out my apartment while I was still living here,” he snorted. He turned towards her bed and hopped up on it. “I guess we’ll be entering the honeymoon phase now.”
“Huh?” she asked, curiously.
He waved his hand around. “You know. That phase where we get to know each other.”
“Oh. I do have a few questions. Am I the only one that knows you are here?”
“No, the landlady knows along with several other tenants but until another apartment opens up I can’t move out.”
“Why can’t you move to another apartment complex?”
“Don’t you know?” He looked at her suspiciously. “This complex only rents out to monsters.”
“But I’m human,” she said.
He looked at her in horror. “You’re human? But your kind isn’t supposed to be allowed to live here.”
She shrugged. “No one asked if I was a monster.”
His eyes narrowed and he looked her over, inquisitively. “You’re taking this awfully well for a human.”
She smiled. “Momma taught me that not everything in this world is black and white. Sometimes there are things that we can’t explain and that just because we can’t explain it doesn’t mean we should be scared of it.”
He laughed. “You are one strange human. Do you think you can handle living with someone like me until another apartment comes open?”
She shrugged. “I think I could I just have a couple more questions. Are you allowed to get wet? And can you eat after midnight?”

NOTE: I love Gremlins! This is not meant to bash the movie in any way shape or form. I thought it would be funny to have it in there as a running joke for the prompt.

A Blog Divided

I will be blog hopping between here and my Blogger account. I will still continue to use this blog to promote my books and contests but I’m finding that I don’t have the same attachment to this blog as I do my other. I made this blog all about my work and nothing about me. I don’t feel like I connect as well with potential viewers like I do on my other one.

I have started doing a Personal Writing Challenge (which I have already been told I need to write the rest of the story for my 1st prompt). I will add these to my WordPress but only occasionally.

I hope all of you continue to read my blog posts and if you have any suggestions for my Personal Writing Challenge then you can email them to me at alicefrost2013@gmail.com


First Contest

The first contest has begun over on Facebook. If you want a chance to win hop on over to my Facebook page and comment with your answer. This blog isn’t very long due to the fact it’s just an announcement of the contest. I hope all of you take a chance on winning this contest.

Alice Frost

It has been almost a month since the release of Galaxing Around and I hope everyone is enjoying it! I announced the other day that Galaxing Around is now available in print. I am also thinking about printing my first two books as well and I’ve been toying with the idea of publishing on different platforms other than Amazon. I don’t know yet.

I admit I will be doing a bit of self-promotion at the bottom of this but hey I’m a writer and I want to bring in more readers. Also if you have read or decide to read my books please leave a review.

You can find me here:
Facebook: https://goo.gl/1dGxyK
Twitter: https://goo.gl/oiFkHS
Amazon: http://goo.gl/5hz1ep
Goodreads: https://goo.gl/1WxuI4

Millersburg Shifters
Triple Threat: http://goo.gl/P0cLGF
Were-bear Charise Miller hates her life. Forced to uphold her betrothal to a man she hates, her life takes an even more miserable turn. When her mates walk into her place of work to confront her boss, she realizes that she has not one but three gorgeous men that are meant to be hers. The only problem, they don’t know she belongs to them. But when a shadow from her past starts to stalk her again she realizes she has to make a choice.

Run or come out of hiding and let her mates claim her.

Taming An Alpha: http://goo.gl/USvAzw
Ex government agent Sparrow Williams came to town as the new secretary for Cougar Construction and searching for the sister everyone told her ran away. She was expecting a fresh start and her loving sister back in her arms. What she wasn’t expecting was her sexy new boss, Jack Kale. And her overwhelming attraction to him.

As her and Jack help a local Council agent they find out just how much danger that Sparrow’s sister is in and that there is more darkness in Millersburg than anyone knew. When an old foe tries to kidnap Sparrow, Jack must come to the rescue and save her before he loses her.

Expect several mature scenes, lots of growling, and several declarations of MINE!

Trinity Mates
Galaxing Around: Kindle- http://goo.gl/TP2Wpe Papaerback- http://goo.gl/8mkeiz
Infamous space pirate Kria has problems and not just being a wanted fugitive. Or mental ones. No, these problems can mostly be place on the shoulders of two arrogant males. And yes she was blaming them for her family problems even if they had nothing to do with it.

Verdal and Fyre were never ones to be friendly, much less share. Being on rivaling sides of an ancient planetary feud, can they bring themselves to share their feisty mate? Can they accept that their mate is from one of the planets that theirs is fighting against? Either way they may have to spank her rear-end for driving them insane.

When old enemies and ever present danger comes closer, Kria must trust not only her mates but a member of her family that she never knew about. The only way they can survive is to overcome eons old hatred and learn to trust in each other. But can they and their friends stay alive long enough to accomplish this?

The Surprise!

You know that surprise that I was telling you about? Well, it happened faster than I thought it would. My surprise is a paperback copy of Galaxing Around. It is available to be ordered on Amazon here: Galaxing Around. I won’t be getting the copies that I ordered for a couple of weeks. The copies I will be giving out as prizes will be signed! I will also be looking for other little things to add into my prize packages. So please be on the look out for the upcoming contests. As I said I will be holding one on here and two over on my Facebook page.

Mysterious Surprise

I have a surprise for all of you! I will be having a contest once this surprise shows up and I will be giving out a prize as well. I decided to have three separate contests, two on Facebook and one on here. I will be holding these contests at the end of May. I know a whole month away. But that gives me time to make these prizes just a bit more special.

Also don’t forget to get your copy of:

Triple Threat: http://goo.gl/P0cLGF

Taming an Alpha: http://goo.gl/USvAzw

And my newest book Galaxing Around: http://goo.gl/TP2Wpe

If you already have these books then please keep an eye out for upcoming teasers and excerpts!